What is it with dog people that think it is okay to let their dog get all up in yo bidness? Twice in two weeks we have had dogs come into our picnic area in a park and disrupt things. Not to mention all the times I have been nearly killed by a 100′ leash trying to walk down Lincoln Rd (I was trying to walk, the leash was attached to a dog and an inconsiderate owner). Keep your dogs to yourselves, unless invited, please. May 09, 2016 at 01:00AM

What is it with dog people that think it is okay to let their dog get all up in yo bidness? Twice in two weeks we have had dogs come into our picnic area in a park and disrupt things. Not to mention all the times I have been nearly killed by a 100′ leash trying to walk down Lincoln Rd (I was trying to walk, the leash was attached to a dog and an inconsiderate owner). Keep your dogs to yourselves, unless invited, please. via Facebook

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