I have always eschewed titles. I went for years without adopting a real title for Life Is Art, Inc (I now grudgingly go by Founding Director, when absolutely forced to.) I’m the guy in charge because I’m the guy in charge, no need for a title. Everybody knows it. Even when I’m just volunteering at some other person’s event, people look tend to assume I’m in charge. Why? Because for 30 years I have been practicing these 7 attributes. http://ift.tt/28ItBJi June 20, 2016 at 04:40PM

I have always eschewed titles. I went for years without adopting a real title for Life Is Art, Inc (I now grudgingly go by Founding Director, when absolutely forced to.) I’m the guy in charge because I’m the guy in charge, no need for a title. Everybody knows it. Even when I’m just volunteering at some other person’s event, people look tend to assume I’m in charge. Why? Because for 30 years I have been practicing these 7 attributes.

http://ift.tt/28ItBJi via Facebook

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