Can someone explain what this new X-Men movie nonsense is all about? Is it ANOTHER reboot? Did the previous actors get too expensive. The casting on the previous X-Men movies was so perfect.I have to admit, even though the X-Men is my favorite mainstream comic, I am not very motivated to see the new movie based on the previews. Is this new one based on some alternate comic series? Mystique as the leader WTF? I haven’t kept up with the comics in a long so I’m not sure what the deal is. May 28, 2016 at 05:26PM

Can someone explain what this new X-Men movie nonsense is all about? Is it ANOTHER reboot? Did the previous actors get too expensive. The casting on the previous X-Men movies was so perfect.I have to admit, even though the X-Men is my favorite mainstream comic, I am not very motivated to see the new movie based on the previews.

Is this new one based on some alternate comic series? Mystique as the leader WTF? I haven’t kept up with the comics in a long so I’m not sure what the deal is. via Facebook

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